Purposed Periodicals
Below you will find the Breakout Session list and a link to the sign up form below. Each lady will need to fill out and submit the form in order to register for their breakout sessions by September 30. Some sessions will still be limited as in years past so please understand that you may not be guaranteed your most preferred sessions. Priority for Breakout Session assignment will be given based on registration order. If your form is not received, you will forfeit your position in line.
If a form is not received then ladies will have the opportunity to select their sessions upon arrival based upon availability and on a first come, first served basis as in previous years. We would strongly recommend that you participate in pre-registering for your Breakout Sessions as it will make for a more enjoyable experience for everyone upon your arrival.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact our office at 727-771-7979.
Note to Teen Girls: The teens will have their own special breakout sessions apart from adult ladies.
Book Review 1
(Breakout Sessions #1)
The Fairy Tales Were Not True (The Daily Grind of Marriage) – Angie Wiley
The vision of a Disney princess marriage, Hallmark romance, or your favorite couple in a book you’ve read…Now compare those to the marriage you have today. Is there any resemblance to what you have seen, read, watched, envisioned, expected? Angie will share practical insights to help us get to a marriage people will want to read about!
Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover (Navigating Daily Relationships Without Judging) – Candi Schultz
“Guilty as charged!” – Many times, this is the battle cry we forge relationships with, giving no thought to how the other person sees the relationship, and even the fault that may carry. Candi has a gift for compassion and truth, sandwiched together with truths from the Bible that has allowed her to bridge and strengthen relationships in her own life. She will share insights that will encourage you to get into the Word and strengthen your own relationships through the help of the Holy Spirit.
Scheduling your Reading Time (God, the Bible, and Your Priority) – Tiffany Barlow
How consistent are you in your Bible reading? Is it a priority? Are you growing and learning on a daily basis or simply going through the motions to cross it off your to-do-list? Get practical ideas, tips, encouragement, and methods to experience greater and more meaningful times alone with your God.
The Single Best Seller (Single Ladies) – Bree Wiley
Singleness takes on many different situations and circumstances. If you are a single lady, there have been times in your life when your journey has been lonely and feel like you’re unable to continue down the road you’re on. In this session, Bree will explain her own personal struggles with the single life and how the Lord has helped her deal with being single, going from discontentment to contentment on this journey of life. She will use the Bible to share how God has helped her learn to live with Godly peace and contentment.
One Book, Many Chapters (Seasons of Womanhood) – Joy Keely
Every lady at this conference will be in a different season of life: a happy season, an angry season, an overwhelming season, a “lost” season, and a season that sums up your current life. With every season, God has promised to be with us and to allow His joy to permeate every part of life. This session will give keys to success for seasonal navigation!
From Reader to Leader (Ladies Leading Ladies) – Heather Pridemore
Titus 2 tells each Christian woman that we are to be in one of two categories: the teacher or the learner. Truthfully, we should hold the role of both. As we continue to learn and grow, we should take our growth areas and impart that knowledge to others coming along behind us, in order to keep the process moving. But how do we mentor and disciple other ladies? This session will provide practical tips for teaching others.
From Picture Books to Chapter Books (Parenting 101: Ages 0–10) – Alaina Aiken
“How quickly time flies when you look back on the time you spend with kiddos in your home!” spoken from Angie, who is now an empty nester! Right now, it seems like cleaning up spills, endless laundry, constant discipline is what life consists of, but these years are very short! Alaina is currently in the trenches of “happy (most of the time) mothering.” Join her and glean from the lessons God has and is teaching her through this “Will it ever end?” and “Am I a failure as a mom?” season of life.
Book Review 2
(Breakout Sessions #2)
Getting Comfortable with a Good Book (Contentment: Settling or Sulking?) – Boone West
Contentment has a synonym: satisfaction – being satisfied with who you are, where you are, and circumstances that pertain to life in general. Join Boone as she explores what God has to say about this topic and take away principles that will help you learn to be content in Him.
Using the Table of Contents (What is God’s Will?) – Candi Schultz
Get on that spot and stay on that spot! That spot is God’s will and if you move, you’re no longer in His will! Is this really what God’s will is? This is a stressful way to envision being in the will of God. This session will allow you to understand what it means to be in His will and live victoriously for Him.
The Main Character (Identity Crisis: Who Am I in Christ?) – Marianne Domico
We define ourselves by what we have going on in our life: a business woman, a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, a teacher, a wife, an in-law, a care giver, a pianist, a banker, and many more hats we all wear at various times, but who are we in Christ? Many times, we forget WHOSE we are, thus forgetting WHO we are. Join Marianne as she uses God’s Word to remind us of pertinent principles of truth that will revolutionize our thinking regarding our moments of “identity crisis”!
A Difficult Chapter (Forgiveness) – Tiffany Barlow
How easy is it to harbor anger, resentment, and bitterness? It usually happens because of an attitude of unforgiveness. Jesus taught about forgiveness repeatedly in the Scriptures; however, hearing about it and actually practicing it are two different stories. This session will help us realize that forgiveness is one of the stepping stones to maintaining a victorious Christian life.
Translation in Progress (Parenting 102: Teens in the Current Trends of Today) – Pastor Jason Wiley
Rearing teens today is exciting, exhausting, fun, frustrating, amazing, agonizing, confusing, worrisome, and just plain scary! With all of the issues of the day: cancel-culture, transgenderism, social equality, cyber relationships, defiance, mental health – just to name a few – many of us are at a loss for knowing how to understand many of these things, let alone trying to parent through these issues. This session leaves behind the sippy cups, car seats, and carpooling for Scriptural help for the next phase of parenting.
Reaching New Readers (How to Witness Effectively and Serve Your Community) – Lena Noble
With our changing world, adapting to the culture in order to reach the world without compromise is a delicate endeavor. As a church leader in a college town, Lena and her Pastor-husband Brad are doing some creative things in an attempt to reach their town and community for Christ. This session will focus on practicality for reaching the lost where they are.
Reading the Appendix (Ministry Wives) – Angie Wiley
Being a ministry wife is a big responsibility, and it’s also a lonely one at times. This session is designed to encourage ministry wives as they labor and serve in the roles God has given them to fulfill.
Book Review 3
(Breakout Sessions #3)
Re-Arranging the Shelf (Balance in Today’s World) – Lena Noble
Balancing every area of life is a challenge for most people. We often think of the contrast between Martha and Mary, and we feel sorry for Martha! But how many times do we get so involved serving others and not enough time is given to our families, or even more importantly, no time is given to our personal walk with the Lord? Balancing life is the focus of this session as we see God’s perspective of balance.
When Protagonists Become Antagonists (Conflict Resolution/Difficult People) – Heather Pridemore
Life is full of difficult people, and sometimes we are that difficult person. With every difficulty, there must be resolution of the conflict in order to live successfully and joyfully in your walk with Him. Heather will be sharing truths from God’s Word to help give insights on how to “live peaceably with all men” (or women). (Romans 12:18).
The Family Prequel (The In-Law/Out-Law Relationships of Marriage) – Joy Keely
Did you know that every marriage has a prequel? It all started when four people fell in love and birthed the up-and-coming bride and groom! Writing your love story of a marriage has to include the prequel for an adequate understanding of the current romance. Joy will delve into how to be the right in-law, the right daughter-in-law, and how to help the men do their in-law things in the right way that will be honoring to God’s expectation of marriage His way!
Where Credit is Due (Encouragement) – Marsha Baker
The Bible teaches the necessity of being kind to one other and edifying those around us, encouraging not only ourselves but each other. How can we encourage and serve each other? Marsha is one of BBC’s best encouragers to EVERYONE, young and old alike! Enjoy this practical session on how to do simple things to bring big smiles!
Your Place on the Shelf (Mature Ladies and Their Role in Serving) – Angie Wiley
Age is an issue that can only be escaped through death – very depressing, huh? If that’s the case, however, ladies ought to figure out how to mentally and emotionally age with grace and learn how to serve joyfully with each year God allows them to live. Serving may look different as you get older; but if it is pleasing Him, do it “heartily as to the Lord.” This session will help each one get the right attitude toward gracefully aging!
Throw out the Manual (Parenting 103/Adult Children) – Boone West
Even when the kids leave the house, they are still your babies, but when do you stop being a mom? Do you ever stop being a mom? How can you be a mom to your adult children without being a nagging mom? Come discover the personal lessons that Boone has learned as she has/is navigating this “season” of life.
Contacting the Editor (Freedom in Christ/Overcoming Strongholds) – Angelica Collazo
The Bible mentions the necessity of recognizing areas in our life that are not pleasing to God, addressing those “things,” and ridding our lives of them. Angelica will share how this is possible through the help of the Holy Spirit, allowing fruitful, victorious, disciplined living!